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Composer: Roy Orbison, Bill Dees, William Dees

2 Live Crew - Pretty Woman lyrics

all the other Crew members

Verse 1: Luke
[Pretty woman] Ha haaa, walkin' down the street
[Pretty woman] Gir, girl, you look so sweet
[Pretty woman] You, you bring me down to the knees
[Pretty woman] You make me wanna beg please
[O-o-o-o-oh, pretty woman]

Verse 2: Fresh Kid Ice
[Big hairy woman] You need to shave that stuff
[Big hairy woman] You know, I bet it's tough
[Big hairy woman] All that hair, it ain't legi-i-it
['Cause you look like Cousin I-I-I-I-It]
[Big hairy woman]

Verse 3: Brother Marquis
[Ball-headed woman] Girl, your hair won't grow
[Ball-headed woman] You got a teeny-weeny afro
[Ball-headed woman] You know, your hair could look nice
[Ball-headed woman] First you got to roll it with rice
[Ball-headed woman]
(spoken) Here, lemme get this hunk o' beans for ya,
ya know whatI'm sayin'? Ha ha! This better than Rice-a-Roni!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
[O-o-o-o-oh, ball-headed woman]

(Mr. Mixx) Big hairy woman, come on in ...
(Marquis) And don't forget your ball-headed friend
(Luke) Hey, pretty woman, let the boys jump in-n-n-n!

Verse 4: Mr. Mixx
[Two-timin' woman] Girl, you know you ain't right
[Two-timin' woman] You was out with my boy last night
[Two-timin' woman] That takes a load off my mind
[Two-timin' woman] Now I know the baby ain't mine
[O-o-o-o-oh, two-timin' woman]

O-o-o-o-oh, pretty woman
Songs list of album: As Clean as They Wanna Be (1989)
         Title Rating
01    The Funk Shop lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   C'mon Babe lyrics   -
03   Get Loose Now lyrics   -
04   Coolin' lyrics   -
05   You Got Larceny lyrics   -
06   Me So Horny lyrics   -
07   Pretty Woman lyrics   -
08   My Seven Bizzos lyrics   -
09    City of Boom lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Mega Mixx III lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Break It on Down lyrics Add lyrics   -

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