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Boogie Down Productions - The Real Holy Place lyrics

Why are metaphysical teachings forbidden?
Why are metaphysical teachings forbidden?
Why are metaphysical teachings forbidden?
The only way to talk to God is in church?
Hah hah hah, you must be KIDDING
For years they kept God hidden
Look for God in self, not in what's written
Turn this up and listen

If your slavemaster wasn't a Christian you wouldn't be a Christian
*whip cracks*
If your slavemaster wasn't a Christian you wouldn't be a Christian
*whip cracks*
If your slavemaster wasn't a Christian YOU wouldn't be a Christian!!!
*whip cracks twice*
Your whole culture's missing
Hebrews are African, see they originated Judaism
The belief in one God is monotheism, see the truth is not hard
All you gotta know is the facts
When religion mixes with politics... it ALL GETS WACK

You gotta know your history, or they'll tell you that God is a mystery
And when you're born, you're born in sin
That's bullshit. That's BULLSHIT!
They're only saying you can't win
You can't succeed, you can't acheive
Don't ask about God, just sit there and believe
Well I ain't tryin to hear that lesson
Cause one thing I know
Cause one thing I know
Cause one thing I know is that the truth can always be questioned
YEAH that's how I'm livin
Ask and ye shall be given
When you're lyin, hah hah hah, you got no answers
You got handclappers and a WHOLE lotta dancers
in the church or sanctuary

They all forgot Jesus was a revolutionary
They all forgot Jesus was a revolutionary
They all forgot Jesus was a revolutionary!!!
that hung out with criminals
I would say read the Bible but it's not the original
So it's really misleading
If you don't know the history of the author you don't know what you're reading
If you DON'T know the history of the author you don't know what you've read

You can't taste the nectar
That answers the question on why I do lectures
Cause where every MC claims to be the teacher, I be DISSIN professors
Keep that Bible on your shelf
God helps those that help themselves
Stop reading from a dead book

Stop reading from a dead book for a live God!
You know how stupid you look!
God reads the Bible with you
You both read the language of the devil that's dissing you
What can the next man do
with a Bible in his hand that you yourself can't do?
Whether Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or Jew
Burning candles don't get you down with the universal crew

So why you dress up on Easter and worship a false Mary
that looks like Mona Lisa? Hah hah, damn you lost
On Christ-mas, what's the purpose of Santa Claus? *bells jingle*
On Christ-mas, what's the purpose of Santa Claus? *bells keep jingling*
On Christmas what's the purpose of Santa Claus!!!
Or Saint Nickalaus, I'm sick of this wickedness
All revolutionaries check this

I'm not synthetic
I'm not anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-Buddhist, or anti-Semetic
But I will set it off in the temple
Cause the real holy place is mental
The real holy place is mental
The real holy place is mental *starts echoing*
The real holy place is mental *echoing a lot*
The real holy place is mental!
The real holy place is mental!!!

Mental-physical, metaphysical
Songs list of album: Sex and Violence (1992)
         Title Rating
01    The Original Way lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Duck Down lyrics   -
03   Drug Dealer lyrics   -
04   Like a Throttle lyrics   -
05   Build and Destroy lyrics   -
06   Ruff Ruff lyrics   -
07   13 and Good lyrics   -
08    Poisonous Products lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Questions and Answers lyrics   -
10   Say Gal lyrics   -
11   We in There lyrics   -
12   Sex and Violence lyrics   -
13   How Not to Get Jerked lyrics   -
14    Who Are the Pimps? lyrics Add lyrics   -
15   The Real Holy Place lyrics   -

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