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Composer: Deee-Lite

Deee-Lite - Electric Shock lyrics

Feel the music
Can you feel it
Move your body
Feel the music
Yes you can feel it, feel it
Move your body

You're funky and you never stop
It's like electric shock
Criss cross circulation
Throughout every nation

Feel the music
Can you feel it
Move your body
Feel the music
Yes you can feel it, feel it
Move your body
Move your body

All around
All around the nation
Running through
Running through your body
Mother Earth
Mother Earth creation

Can you feel it
Electricity running through your body
Can you feel it
Electricity running through your body
Songs list of album: Infinity Within (1992)
         Title Rating
01    I.F.O. (Identified Flying Object) lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Runaway lyrics   -
03   Heart Be Still lyrics   -
04   I Won't Give Up lyrics   -
05    Vote, Baby, Vote lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Two Clouds Above Nine lyrics   -
07   Electric Shock lyrics   -
08    I Had a Dream I Was Falling Through a Hole in the Ozone Layer lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Fuddy Duddy Judge lyrics   -
10   Pussycat Meow lyrics   -
11   Thank You Everyday lyrics   -
12   Rubber Lover lyrics   -
13    Come on in, the Dreams Are Fine lyrics Add lyrics   -
14    Love Is Everything [*] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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