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Composer: Kathleen Edwards

Kathleen Edwards - What Are You Waiting For? lyrics

All the things I tried
Mistakes made in my old life
I picked you up that night
All my wrongs don't make you right
Silence reminds me
I'm a secret too dirty to keep
And we're such a familiar sight
I gave you my word and it cost your life

What are you still hiding? Are you even trying?
Why have you come, what are you waiting for?

All the words you had
Planted seeds inside your head
Just waiting on a rainy day
Well I'm standing soaking and you still can't say
All the dreams you had
It's been years and you're still mad
You say you like me in your memory
You've got to be fucking kidding me

What are you still hiding? Are you even trying?
Why have you come? What are you waiting for?

And we drive through the old neighbourhood
All the corners where we stood
An hour passes you don't even blink
I'm writing you off and you still can't speak

Why have you come? What are you waiting for?
Songs list of album: Back to Me (2005)
         Title Rating
01   In State lyrics   -
02   Back to Me lyrics   -
03   Pink Emerson Radio lyrics   -
04   Independent Thief lyrics   -
05   Old Time Sake lyrics   -
06   Summerlong lyrics   -
07   What Are You Waiting For? lyrics   -
08   Away lyrics   -
09   Somewhere Else lyrics   -
10   Copied Keys lyrics   -
11   Good Things lyrics   -

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