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Jimmie Driftwood - Run Johnny Run lyrics

Johnny was down at the moonshine still
In the bottom of the holler by the side of the hill
He woke up 'bout the break of day
When he thought he heard his granpa say
Oh run, Johnny run the Federals 'll get you
Oh run, Johnny run you better get away
Run, Johnny run, the Federals 'll get you,
Run Johnny run, you better get away

Johnny stopped at the top of the hill
An' he saw them Federals around the still
The busted the barrel and the boiler too
An' started da-rinkin' his mountain dew.
Oh run, Johnny run the Federals 'll get you
Oh run, Johnny run you better get away
Oh run, Johnny run, the Federals 'll get you,
Run, Johnny run, you better get away

The Feds caught Johnny a-makin' a run
They took him up to Washington
Put him to work for the Givermint
A-makin' moonshine for the president
Oh run, Johnny run the Federals 'll get you
Oh run, Johnny run you better get away
Oh Run, Johnny run, the Federals 'll get you,
Run, Johnny run, you better get away

John got rich at the government stills
And he ran off to his home in the hills
Now the Federals are on his track
Cuz he still owes a dollar on the whiskey tax
Oh run, Johnny run the Federals 'll get you
Oh run, Johnny run you better get away
Oh run, Johnny run, the Federals 'll get you,
Run, Johnny run, you better get away

Run, Johnny run, the Federals 'll get you,
Run, Johnny run, you better get away (fades)
Songs list of album: Wilderness Road (1959)
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10   Run Johnny Run lyrics  
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