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Composer: Crystal Lewis

Crystal Lewis - John and Sophie lyrics

John and Sophie prayed one day
Longing for a child
You see they were unable to conceive
Found it hard to understand
God with such a mighty hand
Didn't show compassion in their time of need

God knew what he was doing
He knows what we need (we need Him)
Jesus wants us to know that we are His children
He chose us, chose to love us
We'll be with Him forever

John and Sophie prayed one day
Seeking out an answer
Would Rachel understand that they had chosen her
You see it was no accident
We really wanted you
Tears began to sting her eyes
As she realized


As children of God we are heirs to His throne
We sacrifice and suffer so that we may share
His Glory

Songs list of album: Let Love In (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Jump lyrics   -
02   Secret Hideaway lyrics   -
03   Rock Solid lyrics   -
04   John and Sophie lyrics   -
05   Let Love In lyrics   -
06   Set Ya Free lyrics   -
07   Dangerous Ground lyrics   -
08   Something Christ Did lyrics   -
09   Enter in by the Gate lyrics   -
10   Father and a Friend lyrics   -
11   I Must Tell Jesus lyrics   -

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