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Crystal Lewis - Secret Hideaway lyrics

Precious moments when it's just we two
At our secret hideaway
Telling secrets just talking to You
I love to meet you everyday
At our secret hideaway

Even those who love me most
Don't know me like you do
My darkest fears my highest hopes
I can tell them all to you
When trouble comes like a rainy day
I run to our secret hideaway and listen
You tell me what to do


At times I fail I feel so low
And think could you still care
My guilt becomes a heavy load
It's far too much for me to bear
The accuser comes tries to block my way
I run to our secret hideaway You'll listen
And forgive me when I've failed


A secret place that no one else can find
A place that's safe where I can leave the storm behind
A place of peace to ease my troubled mind
A place where I can feel your heart as you touch mine
Songs list of album: Let Love In (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Jump lyrics   -
02   Secret Hideaway lyrics   -
03   Rock Solid lyrics   -
04   John and Sophie lyrics   -
05   Let Love In lyrics   -
06   Set Ya Free lyrics   -
07   Dangerous Ground lyrics   -
08   Something Christ Did lyrics   -
09   Enter in by the Gate lyrics   -
10   Father and a Friend lyrics   -
11   I Must Tell Jesus lyrics   -

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