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Composer: The Walkabouts

The Walkabouts - Good Luck Morning lyrics

Maybe you should disappear,
And now I've warned you so.
Bury your clothes out in the woods,
And hide your letters 'neath the stove.

There's a big house down in Wilkeson, where you can dance on tabletops.
There's a card room in the back, where you can dance on tabletops.

You'd better light a fire, underneath yourself,
You'd better light a fire, right here where it counts,
You'd better light a fire, you'd best believe the warning,
You'd better light a fire, this is your good luck morning.

Take my savings and my ring
And buy yourself somethin' to wear.
The bus rolls out of here at five,
They'll still be up when you get there.

Say hello to them in Wilkeson and tell 'em that I'll be back soon.
I know you'll do alright in Wilkeson, you tell 'em that I'll be back soon.

You'd better light a fire, underneath yourself,
You'd better light a fire, right here where it counts,
You'd better light a fire, you'd best believe the warning,
You'd better light a fire, this is your good luck morning.

You'd better light a fire, underneath yourself,
You'd better light a fire, right here where it counts,
You'd better light a fire, you'd best believe the warning,
You'd better light a fire, this is your good luck morning.

This is your good luck day,
This is your good luck charm,
They'll try to do you right,
Won't ever do you harm,
You'd better light a fire, you'd best believe the warning,
You'd better light a fire, this is your good luck.
Songs list of album: Setting the Woods on Fire (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Good Luck Morning lyrics   -
02   Firetrap lyrics   -
03   Bordertown lyrics   -
04   Feeling No Pain lyrics   -
05   Old Crow lyrics   -
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07   Sand & Gravel lyrics   -
08   Nightdrive lyrics   -
09   Hole in the Mountain lyrics   -
10    Pass Me on Over lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Up in the Graveyard lyrics   -
12   Promised lyrics   -

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