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Composer: Lyle Lovett

Lyle Lovett - L.A. County lyrics

(Lyle Lovett)
She left Dallas for California
With an old friend by her side
Well he did not say much
But one year later
He'd ask her to be his wife

And the lights of L.A. County
Look like diamonds in the sky
When you're driving through the hours
With an old friend at your side

One year later I left Houston
With an old friend by my side
Well it did not say much
But it was a beauty
Of a coal black .45

And the lights of L.A. County
Look like diamonds in the sky
When you're driving through the hours
With an old friend at your side

So I drove on all the day long
And I drove on through the night
And I thought of her a'waiting
For to be his blushing bride

And the lights of L.A. County
They looked like diamonds in the sky
As I drove into the valley
With my old friend at my side

And as she stood there at the altar
All dressed in her gown of white
Her face was bright as stars a'shining
Like I'd dreamed of all my life

And they kissed each other
And they turned around
And they saw me standing in the aisle
Well I did not say much
I just stood there watching
As that .45 told them goodbye

And the lights of L.A. County
Look like diamonds in the sky
When you're kneeling at the altar
With an old friend at your side

And the lights of L.A. County
Are a mighty pretty sight
When you're kneeling at the altar
With an old friend at your side
Songs list of album: Pontiac (1987)
         Title Rating
01    If I Had a Boat lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Give Back My Heart lyrics   -
03   I Loved You Yesterday lyrics   -
04    Walk Through the Bottomland lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   L.A. County lyrics   -
06   She's No Lady lyrics   -
07   M-O-N-E-Y lyrics   -
08    Black and Blue lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Simple Song lyrics   -
10   Pontiac lyrics   -
11    She's Hot to Go lyrics Add lyrics   -

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