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Composer: Margaret Roche

The Roches - Quitting Time lyrics

(Words & Music by Margaret A Roche)

Money is not the problem

you have enough of that

now you must close your office

put on your coat and hat

put on your coat and hat

Now is the hour of quitting

twilight paints the town

Old industrial skyline

how does the sun go down?

how does the sun go down

You can go south in winter

be what you are a goose

you can live near the ocean

your clothes can fit you loose

Even as you are leaning

into that glass of wine

you and beloved business

have come to the end of a line

come to the end of a line

All of the gates are open

all of the charges dropped

talks are terminated

payments have been stopped

payments have been stopped

You can move north in summer

you can be in the breeze

you don't need to notify

any secretaries

Old industrial skyline

drawing away from you

you are the one that'.s moving

you are the fool that flew

you are the fool that flew

You can go south in winter

be what you are a goose

honk all the moon out the ocean

your clothes can fit you loose
Songs list of album: The Roches (1979)
         Title Rating
01   We lyrics   -
02   Hammond Song lyrics   -
03    Mr. Sellack lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Damned Old Dog lyrics   -
05   The Troubles lyrics   -
06   The Train lyrics   -
07   The Married Men lyrics   -
08    Runs in the Family lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Quitting Time lyrics   -
10   Pretty and High lyrics   -

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