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Composer: trad., Cookie Rankin, Raylene Rankin, arranged by Rankin, Heather

The Rankin Family - A'challuinn (The New Year) lyrics

[This song has remained popular in Inverness County and indeed throughout Cape Breton to this day. The song is a celebration of a special New Year's homecoming, that of soldiers from war and may have it's origins in Lochaber, Scotland.]

'Se Gillean mo rùin a thogadh mo shunnd,
'Se seo a bhiladhn' uir thug sòlas duinn,
'Se gillean mo rùin a thogadh mo shunnd.

An am dol a chadal air m'uilinn san leabaidh,
Gun cuala mi chaluinn 's gun d'chord i rium.
Chualas an duan am briathran nam buadh,
Thoir botal a nuas 'san tòisich sinn.

'Se gillean mo ghraidh a thainig o'n bhlar
Le'n còtaichean sgarlaid 's bòidheadh iad.

'Se gillean mo chridhe a sheinneadh an fhidheall
Bo mhiann le clann nighean bhi còmhla riu.

'S i fidheall nan teud a sheinneadh gu réidh,
'S gun cuireadh i cead an òrdugh dhuinn.

'S aighearrach mi o'n rinneadh an t-sith,
'S mo bheannach do'n Righ thug fòrladh dhuibh.

'Se gilliean mo rùin a thogadh mo shunnd. (x4)
Songs list of album: Do You Hear...Christmas With Heather, Cookie & Raylene Rankin (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree lyrics   -
02   The Christmas Star lyrics   -
03   I Wonder as I Wander lyrics   -
04   Jesus Christ the Tree of Life lyrics  
05   Do You Hear What I Hear lyrics   -
06   Taladh Chrisoda (The Christ-Child's Lullaby) lyrics  
07   A'challuinn (The New Year) lyrics   -
08   Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! lyrics   -
09   Quelle Est Cette Odeur? (What Is This Scent So Pure and Lovely?) lyrics  
10   Ave Maria lyrics   -
11   Welcome Yule lyrics   -
12   The Coventry Carol lyrics   -
13   Children Go Where I Send You lyrics  
14   Angels We Have Heard on High lyrics   -
15   Oh Night of Joy and Gladness lyrics   -

Top songs of The Rankin Family lyrics
Children Go Where I Send You lyrics
Quelle Est Cette Odeur? (What Is This Scent So Pure and Lovely?) lyrics
Taladh Chrisoda (The Christ-Child's Lullaby) lyrics
Jesus Christ the Tree of Life lyrics

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