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Composer: Britt Daniel

Spoon - Theme to Wendel Stivers lyrics

Well he's down with the capitalist system
But he lost a lot, those capitalists
He's read you every book that you'd ever list him,
And now he'll put you back up there on your shelf
You're the government darling, you're sick of yourself,
Yeah you're sick of yourself
You're the government darling, you're sick of yourself,
Yeah you're sick of yourself,
You're the government darling, the government darling
You're sick of yourself, yeah you're sick of yourself
You're the government darling
You're sick of your
What would the powers that be do without you Dad?
We'd probably live among the so-socialists
So ma-ma-man a-don't you go and deny it
Cause lying's fit to be so worse for your health
You're the government darling, you're sick of yourself,
Yeah you're sick of yourself
You're the government darling, you're sick of yourself,
Yeah you're sick of yourself
You're the government darling, the government darling
You're sick of yourself, a fucking government darling
The government darling
The government
Songs list of album: Telephono (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Don't Buy the Realistic lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Not Turning Off lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    All the Negatives Have Been Destroyed lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Cvantez lyrics   -
05   Nefarious lyrics   -
06   Claws Tracking lyrics   -
07   Dismember lyrics   -
08   Idiot Driver lyrics   -
09   Towner lyrics   -
10    Wanted to Be Your lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Theme to Wendel Stivers lyrics   -
12    Primary lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   The Government Darling lyrics   -
14   Plastic Mylar lyrics   -

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