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Composer: Tom Maxwell

Squirrel Nut Zippers - Soon lyrics

I was walking down the street,
A stranger said to me 'Be careful what you do'
Then when waiting for a train,
I heard a strange refrain 'I'd watch out if I were you'

There's something going to happen soon
Some some somethings going to happen soon

I have a phone that doesn't ring
A lie that doesn't sting
A letter never sent
I have a dream where snowflakes fall, inside a painted hall
Ha, That don't pay the rent

But if you draw a bone, draw the strongest
And if you use an arrow, use the longest

Although I don't move easily
It did occur to me,
since information's in the air
Are the heavens conspiring to show my this new thing,
or has it always been there
Songs list of album: Perennial Favorites (1998)
         Title Rating
01    Suits Are Picking up the Bill lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Low Down Man lyrics   -
03   Ghost of Stephen Foster lyrics   -
04   Pallin' With Al lyrics   -
05   Fat Cat Keeps Getting Fatter lyrics   -
06   Trou Macacq lyrics   -
07   My Drag lyrics   -
08   Soon lyrics   -
09    Evening at Lafitte's lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   The Kraken lyrics   -
11   That Fascinating Thing lyrics   -
12    It's Over lyrics Add lyrics   -

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