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Composer: Rick Wakeman

Rick Wakeman - The Prisoner lyrics

The shadow of the noose grew long
A sun dial of the time
The prisoner had left to live
A self inflicted crime
To pay with death for pain he gave
To those he soon will meet
The rope hung loosely round his neck
The Devil at his feet

"You shall hang," said the judge,
For your presence here on earth,
is no use for those who wish to live in peace.
Your evil is forever.
"You shall hang", said the judge.
"You shall hang,
You shall hang,
You shall hang."

(instrumental interlude)

The hangman checked the rope
Aware the prisoner was afraid
The preacher softly praying
To Our Lord his soul to save
The blindfold placed around his eyes
An unlit funeral pyre
The hangman pulled the lever
He heard an astral choir


One man's life has cost another
You shall not lie in sacred ground
The time has come to meet your Maker
Down on earth, they heard no sound

Your evil is for ever,
"You shall hang," said the judge.
All earthly life in you has ceased.

He tried to call out to the Maker
On no earthly soil he fell
The Maker motioned all around
He felt his soul dragged down to Hell
He saw the man that he had murdered
People he had pained on earth
Of reincarnate souls returning
No hope for his rebirth


"You shall hang", said the Maker,
For your presence on our planes,
Is no use for those who wish to rest in peace.

Your evil is for ever,
"You shall hang", said the Maker
"You shall hang.
You shall hang.
You shall hang."

"You shall hang", said the Maker,
For your presence on our planes,
Is no use for those who wish to rest in peace.

Your evil is for ever,
"You shall hang", said the Maker
"You shall hang.
You shall hang.
You shall hang."
Songs list of album: Live on the Test (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Recollection lyrics   -
02    Music Reincarnate/The Realisation lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Sir Lancelot and the Black Knight lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Music Reincarnate - The Spaceman lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Catherine Parr lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   The Prisoner lyrics   -
07    Merlin the Magician lyrics Add lyrics   -

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