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Composer: Jill Cunniff

Luscious Jackson - Lover's Moon lyrics

Yesterday winter spoke
and told me you had gone
I guess I should've known
you wouldn't stay too long
and I've never been closer to the sea
I've never been closer to the sea
went to the widow's walk
to see if you'd returned
walked 'til I couldn't speak
and all my words had burned
I've never been closer to the sea
I've never been closer to the sea

Do I speak too soon
Under the lover's moon?

So I keep lookin? out
the waves keep me alive
I serenade every night
just waitin' for a sign
I hope that they send you
back to me
I hope that they send you
back to me

Do I speak too soon
Under the lover's moon
Songs list of album: Electric Honey (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Nervous Breakthrough lyrics   -
02    Lady Fingers lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Christine lyrics   -
04   Alien Lover lyrics   -
05   Summer Daze lyrics   -
06   Sexy Hypnotist lyrics   -
07   Friends lyrics   -
08   Devotion lyrics   -
09   Fantastic Fabulous lyrics   -
10   Gypsy lyrics   -
11   Beloved lyrics   -
12    Country's a Callin' lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Space Diva lyrics   -
14   Fly lyrics   -
15   Lover's Moon lyrics   -

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