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Composer: Danny Elfman

Oingo Boingo - Insanity lyrics

I'm so sorry, please forgive me
Who do i pray to to straighten out this problem?
Straighten out this problem, straighten out my mind.
Straighten out this crooked toungue...
My mind has wandered, from the straight and narrow.
My mind has wandered from the flock you see.
My mind has wandered, the man just said so.
My mind has wandered, i heard it on tv.
And the flock has wandered away from me.

All around the world now
Like a big bright cherry cloud
Traveling from home to home
Tv sets and telephones
Here it comes just like a storm
Bathe in it and be reborn
Time to let the world know
Welcome madness, say hello
Like a wave we cannot see
Washing over you and me
Hiding here and hiding there
Madness hiding everywhere
Such a curiosity
Here it comes to set us free
Plenty left for you and me
Say hello insanity

I am the virus, are you the cure?
I am morally, i'm morally impure
I am a disease and i am unclean
I am not part of god's well oiled machine
Christian nation, assimilate me
Take me in your arms and set me free
I am part of a degenerate elite
Dragging our society into the streeet
Into the abyss and to the sewer don't you see
The man just told me, he told me on tv

Do you think you're better than me
Do you want to kill me or befriend me

And the alchoholic bastard waved his finger at me
His voice was filled with evanglical glee
Sipping down his gin and tonics
While preaching about the evils of narcotics
And the evils of sex, and the wages of sin
While he mental fondles his next of kin
My mind has wandered from the flock you see
And the flock has wandered away from me
And he waved his hypnotizing
Songs list of album: Boingo (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Insanity lyrics   -
02    Hey! lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Mary lyrics   -
04    Can't See (Useless) lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Pedestrain Wolves lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Lost Like This lyrics   -
07   Spider lyrics   -
08   War Again lyrics   -
09    I Am the Walrus lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Tender Lumplings lyrics   -
11   Change lyrics   -

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