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Carly Simon - Grownup lyrics

(Carly Simon)
I stood in the doorway in my white nightgown
Red roses on cotton, I stood three feet from the ground
the grownups inside used words I didn't know
But still I enjoyed the show

They looked so lovely, they looked so self-assured
And I just like them would know it all when I matured
And I wouldn't be afraid of the darkness or the bears
Or the cracks in the ceiling upstairs

Now I've just gotten older, I've just gotten taller
And the little ones, they call me a grownup

Lat night at a friend's house a little girl was there
She stood in the doorway playing with her hair
She looked up to me as if I could do no wrong
As I got up to sing my song

I sang it with a shiver in my throat and in my knees
Feeling just as small as a thistle in a breeze
But the child's imagination carried me along
And saw me through my song

Now I've just gotten older, I've just gotten taller
And the little ones call me a grownup
Songs list of album: Hotcakes (1974)
         Title Rating
01    Safe and Sound lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Mind on My Man lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Think I'm Gonna Have a Baby lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Older Sister lyrics   -
05   Just Not True lyrics   -
06   Hotcakes lyrics   -
07   Misfit lyrics   -
08   Forever My Love lyrics   -
09   Mockingbird lyrics   -
10   Grownup lyrics   -
11    Haven't Got Time for the Pain lyrics Add lyrics   -

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