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Composer: Pete Shelley

Pete Shelley - Blue Eyes lyrics

My aches are all aching
Opportunities taken
I'll be alright in a minute
It's funny though innit
The way that it happens

Sick and tired of this love thing
Like I'm tired of everything
I'll be alright in a minute
It's funny though innit
The way that it happens
I'll be alright in a minute
It's funny though innit
The way that it happens

Blue eyes blue eyes
I tried to teach you everything
Blue eyes blue eyes
You thought you could do anything

Your ideas of pleasure
Are best taken at leisure
I'll be alright in a minute
It's funny though innit
The way it all happens

I've this deep-felt suspicion
For your so-called tradition
I'll be alright in a minute
It's funny though innit
The way that it happens
I'll be alright in a minute
It's funny though innit
The way it all happens

Blue eyes blue eyes
You said I could do anything
But you've gone too far
Blue eyes blue eyes
You thought you would do everything
But you've gone too far

The loneliest sound I've ever heard
Was the slamming of the door
I don't know whose side you think you're on
But you make love like a tug of war

Sick and tired of this love thing
Like I'm tired of everything
I'll be alright in a minute
It's funny though innit
The way that it happens
I'll be alright in a minute
It's funny though innit
The way it all happens

Blue eyes blue eyes
I thought I'd show you everything
But you've gone too far
Blue eyes blue eyes
You wouldn't show me anything
But you've gone too far
Blue eyes blue eyes
I thought we coul
Songs list of album: Heaven & the Sea (1986)
         Title Rating
01    Waiting for Love lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   On Your Own lyrics   -
03    They're Coming for You lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   I Surrender lyrics   -
05   Life Without Reason lyrics   -
06    Need a Minit lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Never Again lyrics   -
08   My Dreams lyrics   -
09   Blue Eyes lyrics   -
10   You Can't Take That Away lyrics   -
11   No Moon lyrics   -

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