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UB40 - Hold Your Position lyrics

Now here comes the great musical thing called "hold your position"
Rasta, them style ya a just levelment Uncle seen
Hold me position, Just a hold me position
I ya, hold me position, just a hold me position
Go on, hold me position, just a hold me position

Just like Jesus Christ in the valley of decision
Devil come along and tru to deceive man through him
Got him plan from the older one
Him had to hold him position, had to hold him position yeh
Hold him position, had to hold him position

Well rhythm like this makes me and me daughter
Go down at the dance, bubble on the corner
When the rhythm is sweet, we a go hold tighter
Rub-adub like this makes you go one
So you hold your position
Say you hold you position aya
Hold your position, say hold your position

Things and time was a getting slow let off the rhythm
Let the good time roll
Don't bother go a slow and stay a back row
I man come to make the rhythm
Just a rock and flow, because me hold me position
Just a hold me position

Special request to 39 Acker Tree, Frontline, everyman on Kime
UB40 say come and rhyme
Yes, Daddy Stone, me in the dance hall style
So we really come to make it versatile
Because one of a kind we come to blow your mind
So you should hold you position
Yes, hold your position, aya
Hold your position, hold your position
Hold Your Position (cont'd) Stones

Skank steady, Skank Steady
I tell you rock the rhythm
You should skank down steady
You know you say, it heavier than lead
Kinda tougher than tough
You know that Jah, Jah covers
Since he stands over us
So hold your position
Hold your position
Move to the east, and you could a move to the west
Lyrics like this Jab know never go jest
Say chunk ice water say right to your chest
Intercity, outer city everywhere the best you better
Hold you position, just hold your position
Hold you position, say hold your position

Well rhythm like this is really so hot
Let off the vilse because a legal shot
Because we hold our position
Yes, we hold our position aya
Hold our position yes, hold our position

Hold on tight never let go
Tee, ta, tee, say them all in a row
Donkey want water, you should hold him
Joe hold on tight and never let go
Hold your position, just hold your position
Hold your position a ya, just hold your position
Wah dat, hold your position
I say hold your position settle hold your position John
Hold you position Aunty, hold your position
Say hold your position go on
Hold your position, tell them rhythm so crucial
Rhythm so nice like sugar, like a spice
Cause when we a come a dance give you rough, nough, choice

A youth like me should a drive Rolls Royce
Sugar my tea baby, you're irie thought the two of us
Will go to bed cosy
Just a hold me position, hold me position
Songs list of album: Baggariddim (1985)
         Title Rating
01   The King Step lyrics   -
02   The Buzz Feeling lyrics   -
03    Lyric Officer lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Demonstrate lyrics   -
05    Two in a One lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Hold Your Position lyrics   -
07   Hip Hop Lyrical Robot lyrics   -
08   Style lyrics   -
09   Fight Fe Come In lyrics   -
10   V's Version lyrics   -
11   Don't Break My Heart lyrics   -
12   I Got You Babe lyrics   -
13   Mi Spliff lyrics   -

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