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Composer: Tom Waits

Tom Waits - Trouble's Braids lyrics

Tom Waits: Vocal
Victor Feldman: African talking drum
Stephen Taylor Arvizu Hodges: Parade bass drum
Larry Taylor: Acoustic bass

Well I pulled on trouble's braids
and I hid in the briars
out by the quick mud
stayin' away from the main roads
passin' out wolf tickets
downwind from the blood hounds
and I pulled on trouble's braids
and I lay by a cypress
as quiet as a stone
'til the bleeding stopped
I blew the weather vane
off some old road house
I build a fire in the
skeleton back seat of an old Tucker
and I pulled on trouble's braids
I spanked cold red mud
where the hornet stung deep
and I tossed in the ditch
in a restless sleep
and I pulled on trouble's braids
I hung my rain-soaked jacket
on some old barbed wire
poured cold rusty water
on a miserable fire
I pulled on trouble's braids
the creek was swollen by daybreak and I could just
barely see
and I floated downstream
on an old dead tree
and I pulled on trouble's braids
I pulled on trouble's braids
I pulled on trouble's braids
I pulled on trouble's braids
Songs list of album: Swordfishtrombones (1983)
         Title Rating
01   Underground lyrics   -
02   Shore Leave lyrics   -
03    Dave the Butcher [instrumental] lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Johnsburg, Illinois lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    16 Shells from a Thirty-Ought Six lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Town With No Cheer lyrics   -
07    In the Neighborhood lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Just Another Sucker on the Vine [instrumental] lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Frank's Wild Years lyrics   -
10   Swordfishtrombone lyrics   -
11   Down, Down, Down lyrics   -
12   Soldier's Things lyrics   -
13   Gin Soaked Boy lyrics   -
14   Trouble's Braids lyrics   -
15    Rainbirds [instrumental] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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