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Composer: Nomeansno

Nomeansno - It's Catching Up lyrics

I know what I know
I'm no hero
Say yes, say no
Don't come, come close
Be strong, be strong
Don't be all wrong
Don't wait or hesitate
Take care, beware
I am wrong
I feel great, let's celebrate
It's a sunny day, let's dance and play
Never fear, love is here
Never fear, love is
Be straight, don't lie
Don't tell, tell why
I know what I know
I'm no hero
I am wrong
I feel great, let's celebrate . . .
Step into my parlour said the spider to the fly
And we could share a love that will never die
Step into my parlour said the spider to the fly
And we could share a love that will never
I know what I know
I'm no hero
Don't wait or hesitate
Be strong
Be wrong
I am wrong
Songs list of album: Live & Cuddly (1991)
         Title Rating
01   It's Catching Up lyrics   -
02    Two Lips, Two Lungs and One Tongue lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Rags and Bones lyrics   -
04   Body Bag lyrics   -
05   Brother Rat lyrics   -
06   What Slayde Says lyrics   -
07   Some Bodies lyrics   -
08    Teresa, Give Me That Knife lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Victory lyrics   -
10   Dark Ages lyrics   -
11   The End of All Things lyrics   -
12   The Day Everything Became Nothing lyrics   -
13   Dead Souls lyrics   -
14   Metronome lyrics   -
15   No Fucking lyrics   -

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