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Composer: Tanya Donelly

Throwing Muses - Honeychain lyrics

My best friend knows this old guy who
Who keeps a picture in his shoe
He takes it out after a spell
Says - s e e
Shouldn't stare that way so long baby...
Stare holes into the walls
My dress hangs here for you to wear out
I walked in beauty too, till I met you
Here hangs this chain
This thing this old girl keeps
We got it easy
So why do you stare that way so long
Stare holes into the walls
We're all honey
Dripping through the honey chain
And lay our lives down
Down and pretty
In the honey chain
Please don't stare that way so hard baby...
Stare holes
Songs list of album: The Real Ramona (1991)
         Title Rating
01   Counting Backwards lyrics   -
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07    Dylan lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Hook in Her Head lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Not Too Soon lyrics   -
10   Honeychain lyrics   -
11   Say Goodbye lyrics   -
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