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Composer: Don Williams

Don Williams - My Heart to You lyrics

You give to me what life should be for everyone.

You're my pepper, you're my salt, my favorite tea.

You're my sunset on the ocean, my desert dawn.

So much of you is now a part of me.

I know a greater power must have noticed me,

And decided I would meet someone like you.

No-one on this planet thought we could ever be,

Till He gave my heart to you, and yours to me.

You've given us our children and a recipe:

For you and I, love comes naturally.

My love is somehow different than I'd have it be,

An' it's workin' on my heart, not into me.

So I know a greater power must have noticed me,

And decided I would meet someone like you.

No-one on this planet thought we could ever be,

Till He gave my heart to you, and yours to me.
Songs list of album: My Heart to You (2004)
         Title Rating
01    Running in the Fast Lane lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Fly Away lyrics   -
03   I'll Be Faithful to You lyrics   -
04   Oh Misery lyrics   -
05   My Heart to You lyrics   -
06    One Like Me lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   The Rose lyrics   -
08   When I'm With You lyrics   -
09   Get Away lyrics   -
10   Wonderful Tonight lyrics   -
11   Years from Now lyrics   -

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