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Barry Manilow - Sweetwater Jones lyrics

Sweetwater Jones
Went riding
out in to the country night

he left his phone still ringing
ringing by the t.v.'s light

goodbye to you new york city
goodbye to every thing it used to be

you sure can could look good
Emerald City
oh but now your just a drag on me

goodbye to the ringing phone
goodbye to the old grindstone
and what use to be Jimmy Jones
now they known as Sweetwater Jones

Sweetwater Jones
keep on going
hey Jonese boy your'll doing find

smiling a smile and knowing
that your heading fore a better time

look at your face
hey its shinning
hey beaming like it never could

look at your eyes
hey you crying
but you never thought you fell so good

goodbye to the ringing phone
good,good,goodbye to the old grindstone
what used to be Jimmy Jones

now they known as Sweetwater Jones

ohhhhhhhh Sweetwater Jones
what use to be Jimmy Jones
now they known as Sweetwater Jones
now they known as Sweetwater Jones
Songs list of album: Barry Manilow I (1973)
         Title Rating
01   Sing It lyrics   -
02   Sweetwater Jones lyrics   -
03   Cloudburst lyrics   -
04    One of These Days lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Oh My Lady lyrics   -
06   I Am Your Child lyrics   -
07   Could It Be Magic lyrics   -
08   Seven More Years lyrics   -
09   Flashy Lady lyrics   -
10   Friends lyrics   -
11   Sweet Life lyrics   -

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