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Composer: Tommy Emmanuel, Steve Kipner

Olivia Newton-John - Driving Music lyrics

I'm a taxi driver on an all-nighter
Don't wanna fall asleep at the wheel
Play me some feel
4 AM business is slow
I listen to my radio
If no one flags me down, I turn up the sound

Moving to the beat
I cruise the empty streets
Changing the gears
Filling up my ears
Help me stay awake
Don't take a commercial break
I need another fare
So stay on the air

Won't you play me some driving music
Won't you play me some driving music

I'm a daydreamer
My speedometer says
I'd better take it slow
Or my speaker's gonna blow up
Help me stay awake
Don't take a commercial break
I need another fare
So stay on the air

Won't you play me some driving music
Won't you play me some driving music

Please won't you play me my request
I wanna hear it one more time
Just for luck
Spin it again 'fore the sun comes up
Seems like I'm always changing dials
Station to station, mile after mile

Won't you play me some driving music
Won't you play me some driving music
Songs list of album: Soul Kiss (1985)
         Title Rating
01   Toughen Up lyrics   -
02   Soul Kiss lyrics   -
03    Queen of the Publication lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Emotional Tangle lyrics   -
05   Culture Shock lyrics   -
06    Moth to a Flame lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Overnight Observation lyrics   -
08   You Were Great, How Was I? lyrics   -
09   Driving Music lyrics   -
10   The Right Moment lyrics   -

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