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Composer: Billy Rankin, Pete Agnew, Manny Charlton, Dan McCafferty, Darrell Sweet

Nazareth - Gatecrash lyrics

Well, me and my buddies are goin' to a party tonight
And we don't care if we ain't got no invite
We don't care if our face don't fit
Gonna grab a little whiskey, grab a little......

Gatecrash, gatecrash
Get yourself ready for a real bash
Hide your ladies,'cause we'll be talkin' trash
Snort your cocaine, smoke your grass
So get yourself ready for our gatecrash...

You don't really want to know but we're still going to appear
We've got Elvis snarls and arrive in biker gear
We don't care if you call the fuzz
By the time they get there we'll be gone with a buzz

Gatecrash, gatecrash
Get yourself ready for a real bash
Hide your ladies, we're gonna cause a smash
Snort your cocaine, smoke your grass
So get yourself ready for our gatecrash...

Gatecrash, gatecrash
Get yourself ready for a real bash
Hide your ladies, we're gonna move in fast
Snort your cocaine, smoke your grass
So get yourself ready for our gatecrash...

Well, me and my buddies are going to your party tonight
We don't care if we got no invite
We don't care if we cause a splash
Gonna drink a lot of whiskey, grab a little...

Gatecrash, gatecrash
Get yourself ready for a real bash
Hide your ladies,'cause we'll be talkin' trash
Snort your cocaine, smoke your grass
So get yourself ready for our gatecrash...

(written by Nazareth)
copyright 1982 Fool Circle Music Limited
all rights reserved.
lyrics used by permission
reproduction prohibited
Songs list of album: 2XS (1982)
         Title Rating
01   Love Leads to Madness lyrics   -
02    Boys in the Band lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   You Love Another lyrics   -
04   Gatecrash lyrics   -
05   Games lyrics   -
06    Back to the Trenches lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Dream On lyrics   -
08   Lonely in the Night lyrics   -
09   Preservation lyrics   -
10    Take the Rap lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Mexico lyrics   -

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