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Stiff Little Fingers - Roots, Radicals, Rockers and Reggae lyrics

"Roots, Radicals, Rockers And Reggae"

You roots, you radicals, you rock to the reggae
You roots, you radicals, you dub to the reggae
You roots, you radicals, you skank to the reggae

Let there be peace in the east, peace in the west
You roots, you radicals and all the rest
Peace up north, peace down south
Peace in the ghettoes all round about

We are all in a one and one in all
So throw away the guns and the war's all gone
So throw away the hunger and the war's all gone
So throw away the fighting and the war's all gone
So throw away the grudges and the war's all gone

You roots, you radicals, you rock to the reggae
You roots, you radicals, you dub to the reggae
You roots, you radicals, you skank to the reggae

Love and respect your itren and protect your little sistren
And the same shall return to you, my friend
Don't fight against no colour class or creed
For on discrimination does violence breed

We are all in a one and one in all
So throw away the guns and the war's all gone
So throw away the hunger and the war's all gone
So throw away the fighting and the war's all gone
So throw away the grudges and the war's all gone

You roots, you radicals, you rock to the reggae
You roots, you radicals, you dub to the reggae
You roots, you radicals, you skank to the reggae

Comfort the afflicted and keep them from harm
Let age be protected and the infants be strong

Go for it!

You got to pass the bowl and make the food go round
Cos that's the only way to trample crime to the ground
Equal rights and justice for one and all
Cos only through liberty freedom shall form

Don't fight against
Songs list of album: From the Front Row Live (2003)
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