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Marduk - Wolves lyrics

Many miles they went
To reach this point
They went here to seek what they lost
What they lost before time
Before the first rays of light
In the worst torment of all

They dedicated their existence to follow
To explore
And how they searched

Eternity, darkness, the black
They ware only a piece
Of the complete puzzle

They the warriors they were
In a never ending maze of

The life they so intensively hated
Wolves so many lifetimes they
Went to reach this point
And yet so many lifetimes to go

Eternity, darkness, the black
They ware only a piece of the
Complete puzzle
They - the warriors they were
In a never ending maze of confusion
Songs list of album: Those of the Unlight (1999)
         Title Rating
01    Darkness Breeds Imnmortality lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Those of the Unlight lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Wolves lyrics   -
04   On Darkened Wings lyrics   -
05   Burn My Coffin lyrics   -
06    A Sculpture of the Night lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Echoes from the Past lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Stone Stands Its Silent Vigil lyrics   -

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