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Composer: Robert Forster, Grant McLennan

The Go-Betweens - German Farmhouse lyrics

I lived in seclusion for a couple of years

In a german farmhouse just drinking beer

And every morning I'd wake up with a smile from ear to ear

I had one contact to the outside world

A phone in London and a seasick girl.

I knew what was happening but only in my part of the world

I knew what was happening

I knew that this was my world

I knew what was happening in my part of the world

There was an abandoned castle with empty chairs

There was a rumour Pavarotti would sing there

To raise funds for a music school but then the

whole thing vanished into thin air

It was a crazy idea

And it vanished into the air

It was a falling down castle with falling down stairs

I could walk the streets unrecognized

Nobody stopped me I was never surprised

By anybody's actions or by an ex-lover's eyes

And this felt good

And this felt so right

To be unloaded as I walked through the night

This felt good

This felt so right

To be unloaded as I walked through the night, this felt right
Songs list of album: The Friends of Rachel Worth (2000)
         Title Rating
01    Magic in Here lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Spirit lyrics   -
03   The Clock lyrics   -
04   German Farmhouse lyrics   -
05   He Lives My Life lyrics   -
06    Heart and Home lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Surfing Magazines lyrics   -
08   Orpheus Beach lyrics   -
09   Going Blind lyrics   -
10   When She Sang About Angels lyrics   -

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