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Composer: Don McGlashan

The Mutton Birds - Envy of Angels lyrics

Look over there you used to say
the shape of the land beneath the street
ridges & valleys & underground streams
you have to know what's under your feet
so you can make things strong enough
to take the weight
the weight of all the people
that haven't been born
that's what you said to me

and its the envy of angels

listen to that you used to say
can you hear someone drawing plans
can you hear someone cutting wood
can you hear someone walking the land
all the time I wanted to be
somewhere that wasn't so new
where you didn't have to dig yourself out
a place to stay
far away

its the envy of angels

driving to your place after dark
the lights of the town behind these hills
i'm wanting so much to see you again
can almost touch the new tar seal
in front of my wheels
painting the signs
measuring the land
marking the lines
laying foundations
making them strong
for all of those people
that haven't been born
just like you said

its the envy of angels

just like you said

it's the envy of angels
Songs list of album: Envy of Angels (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Straight to Your Head lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    She's Been Talking lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Trouble With You lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    April lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Like This Train lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Another Morning lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Ten Feet Tall lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Come Around lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Crooked Mile lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   While You Sleep lyrics  
11    Inside My Skin lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Envy of Angels lyrics   -

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