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Composer: Ian Anderson

Jethro Tull - At Last, Forever lyrics

So why are you holding my hand tonight?
I'm not intending to go far away.
I'm just slipping through to the back room --
I'll leave you messages almost every day.
And who was I to last forever?
I didn't promise to stay the pace.
Not in this lifetime, babe
but we'll cling together:
some kind of heaven written in your face.

So why are you holding my hand tonight?
Well, am I feeling so cold to the touch?
Do my eyes seem to focus
on some distant point?
Why do I find it hard to talk too much?
And who was I to last forev%r?
I didn't promise to stay the pace.
Not in this lifetime, babe
but we'll cling together:
some kind of heaven written in your face.

So why are you holding my hand tonight?
I'm not intending to go far away.
I'm just slipping through to the back room --
I'll leave you messages almost every day.
And who was I to last forever?
I didn't promise to stay the pace.
Not in this lifetime, babe
but we'll cling together:
some kind of heaven written in your face.
Songs list of album: Roots to Branches (1995)
         Title Rating
01    Roots to Branches lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Rare and Precious Chain lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Out of the Noise lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   This Free Will lyrics   -
05   Valley lyrics   -
06   Dangerous Veils lyrics   -
07   Beside Myself lyrics   -
08    Wounded, Old and Treacherous lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   At Last, Forever lyrics   -
10    Stuck in the August Rain lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Another Harry's Bar lyrics   -

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