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Composer: Kirsty MacColl

Kirsty MacColl - Maybe It's Imaginary lyrics

Maybe it's imaginary, I'd like to know
What's the world coming to and where will it go?
The hole in the sky where the sunshine gets in
It dries up the land as it mucks up your skin
And I don't know why, who will reveal?
Maybe it's imaginary, maybe it's real
We wash all the food and we peel off the skin
But what is the point if it's poisoned within?
Now I don't know why we say ok
Maybe it's imaginary, hope it's not too late
And when in the summer we go to the sea
The things floating by aren't what we want to see
And I'd change it all if I had one wish
I'd never go swimming with those nuclear fish
Maybe those imaginary rivers run dry
But if it's true then I'd like to know why
I don't know much but I'd like to know why
Songs list of album: Electric Landlady (1991)
         Title Rating
01   Walking Down Madison lyrics   -
02   All I Ever Wanted lyrics   -
03    Children of the Revolution lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Halloween lyrics   -
05   My Affair lyrics   -
06   Lying Down lyrics   -
07   He Never Mentioned Love lyrics   -
08   We'll Never Pass This Way Again lyrics   -
09   The Hardest Word lyrics   -
10   Maybe It's Imaginary lyrics   -
11   My Way Home lyrics   -
12    The One and Only lyrics Add lyrics   -

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