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Composer: Amy Ray

Indigo Girls - Sister lyrics

I'm heading out of Alabama
So you'd better think fast
The wind's gonna pick me up now
And the rain won't stop
I'm heading down to Georgia
So don't lose track
Of where you been and where you going now
And who you've seen and what they lack
And why you come undone
Every time you go there
And how you come undone
I know your heart's in danger
And so is your life
You'd better learn to trust a stranger
And stop & rest for a night
See a sign up in the headlights
And a moon up above won't be enough
Light the embers of another and the night won't seem so rough
There was a bloody beast of burden
On a dark Texas road
And a woman in a family way
And a car that lost control
I'm studying the distance
From the blanket to the gun
It's ten hours to Natchez
And another ten home
I know your heart's in danger
And so is your life
You'd better learn to trust a stranger
And stop & camp for the night
See a sign up in the headlights
And a moon up above
Light the embers of another
and the night won't seem so rough
Sister Go ahead Come on now
It was trust that brought me here
And trust will bring me home
Songs list of album: Come on Now Social (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Go lyrics   -
02    Soon to Be Nothing lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Gone Again lyrics   -
04   Trouble lyrics   -
05   Sister lyrics   -
06   Peace Tonight lyrics   -
07   Ozilline lyrics   -
08   We Are Together lyrics   -
09    Cold Beer and Remote Control lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Compromise lyrics   -
11   Andy lyrics   -
12   Faye Tucker lyrics   -

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