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Composer: R. Mark Black, Stuart David, David, K, Twynholm, S

Looper - Uncle Ray lyrics

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Drink this to put out the fire,
Drink this to put out the flame,
Drink this, it tastes like vanilla,
Drink this to cool down your brain.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Have you guys ever seen a creature?
Have you guys ever seen a creature?
Can any of you guys
Quite believe your eyes?
Have you guys ever seen a creature?

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Drink this to put out the fire,
Drink this to put out the flame,
Drink this, it tastes like vanilla,
Drink this to cool down your brain.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.

Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray,
Hey, Hey, Uncle Ray.
Songs list of album: The Geometrid (2000)
         Title Rating
01    Mondo '77 lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   On the Flipside lyrics   -
03   Modem Song lyrics   -
04   Uncle Ray lyrics   -
05    Puddlemonkey lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   These Things lyrics   -
07   Bug Rain lyrics   -
08   My Robot lyrics   -
09   Tomorrow's World lyrics   -
10   Money Hair lyrics   -

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