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Composer: PJ Harvey

PJ Harvey - Down by the Water lyrics

I lost my heart
Under the bridge
To that little girl
So much to me
And now i moan
And now i holler
She'll never know
Just what i found
That blue eyed girl
{That blue eyed girl}
She said "no more"
{She said "no more"}
That blue eyed girl
{That blue eyed girl}
Became blue eyed whore
{Big blue eyed whore}
Down by the water
{Down by the water}
I took her hand
{I took her hand}
Just like my daughter
{Just like my daughter}
See her again
{See her again}

Oh help me jesus
Come through this storm
I had to lose her
Io do her harm
I heard her holler
{I heard her holler}
I heard her moan
{I heard her moan}
My lovely daughter
{My lovely daughter}
I took her home
{I took her home}

Little fish. big fish. swimming in the water.
Come back here, man. gimme my daughter.
Little fish. big fish. swimming in the water.
Come back here, man. gimme my daughter.
Little fish. big fish. swimming in the water.
Come back here, man. gimme my daughter.
Little fish. big fish. swimming in the water.
Come back here, man. gimme my daughter.
Little fish. big fish. swimming in the water.
Come back here, man. gimme my daughter.
Little fish. big fish. swimming in the water.
Come back here, man. gimme my daughter.
Little fish. big fish. swimming in the water.
Come back here, man. gimme my daughter.
Little fish. big fish. swimming in the water.
Come back here, man. gimme my daughter
Songs list of album: To Bring You My Love (1995)
         Title Rating
01   To Bring You My Love lyrics   -
02   Meet Ze Monsta lyrics   -
03   Working for the Man lyrics   -
04   C'mon Billy lyrics   -
05   Teclo lyrics   -
06   Long Snake Moan lyrics   -
07   Down by the Water lyrics   -
08   I Think I'm a Mother lyrics   -
09   Send His Love to Me lyrics   -
10   The Dancer lyrics   -

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