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Composer: Buzz McCoy, Groovie Man

My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult - Apollo 69 lyrics

My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
Apollo 69

Looking for a way in.
Searching for a way out.
Angels ride free in your mind,
but you're never gonna find it if you're never gonna try.
Get your eyes on the road and suck up the wild.
Hey man, get hip.
Climb aboard our pleasure ship.
Speedboy, we know you're king of the wheel.
Yeah, go man go go go!
Go Apollo 69.
Rocket baby, walk the line.
Feed my fire.
Now's the time.
Fly Apollo 69, yeah yeah.
Go Apollo! Go Apollo!
Drifting like a stoned dog, sister rebel outlaw, agent for a vacant world.
Living in the shame club, working for that same love,
shake it while you can, sunset girl.
Big man, so wild, tune into our Groovy style.
Freakout, freak this, ride upon erotic bliss.
Go Apollo 69!
Rocket baby, walk the line.
Feed my fire.
Now's the time.
Fly Apollo 69, yeah yeah.
Fly Apollo 69, yeah yeah.
Fly Apollo 69!
Go Apollo! Go Apollo!
Looking for a way in.
Searching for a way out.
Angels ride free in your mind,
but you're never gonna find it if you're never gonna try.
Get your eyes on the road and suck up the wild.
Hey man, get hip.
Climb aboard our pleasure ship.
Speedboy, we know you're king of the wheel.
Yeah, go man go go go!
Go Apollo 69.
Rocket baby, walk the line.
Feed my fire.
Now's the time.
Fly Apollo 69, yeah yeah.
Fly Apollo 69, yeah yeah.
Fly Apollo 69!
You're the King of the wheel.
You're the King of the wheel.
You're the King of the wheel.
Yeah, go man go go go
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