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Refreshments - Girly lyrics

I'm going to the hardware store
And buy you a great big hammer
Girly won't you pull these nails out of my heart
And I'm goin' to the sporting goods store
And buy you a really heavy baseball bat
Girly won't you knock these thoughts out of my head

Beat me till I'm black and blue
And I'm hangin' by a thread
And I can get back up
And we'll do it all over again

I'm goin' to a liquor store
And buy you a really big bottle
Girly won't you pour some light into my life

Then I'm goin' to the firearms store
And buy a really big hand gun
Girly won't you blows these thoughts
Out of this head of mine

Beat me till I'm black and blue
And I'm very nearly dead
And I'll get back up
And we'll do it all over again

Again Again Again

First verse is the same as the first!
I'm going to the hardware store
And buy you a great big hammer
Girly won't you pull these nails out of my heart

And I'm goin' to the sporting goods store
And buy you a really big baseball bat
Girly won't you knock these thoughts out of my head

Beat me till I'm black and blue
And and my body's bloody red
And I'll can get back up
And we'll do it all over again
Songs list of album: Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Blue Collar Suicide lyrics   -
02   European Swallow lyrics   -
03    Down Together lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Mekong lyrics   -
05    Don't Wanna Know lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Girly lyrics   -
07   Banditos lyrics   -
08   Mexico lyrics   -
09   Interstate lyrics   -
10   Suckerpunch lyrics   -
11   Carefree lyrics   -
12   Nada lyrics   -

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