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Composer: Local H

Local H - That's What They All Say lyrics

Oh, no, no-everything must go
Lost our lease to the liquor store
We'll be back to fight another day
Yeah, uh-huh-that's what they all say

Going out of style in a paper bag
Sniffing chloroform out of burning flags
Going down in flames and it feels okay
Yeah, uh-huh-that's what they all say

Yeah, yeah, yeah it's a pleasure to burn
I keep fucking up and I never learn
It's alright, it's okay-we're gonna beat 'em anyway
Yeah, uh-huh-that's what they all say
Yeah, uh-huh-that's what they all say

Take it easy
Take it easy
You won't like me when I'm angry
Mashed potatoes
Nice and easy
It didn't have to be this way but
That's what they all say

The devil's in the details
The devil's in the details
Sucking on the third
I said the devil's in the details
It's alright, it's okay-we're gonna beat 'em anyway
Yeah, uh-huh-that's what they all say
Yeah, uh-huh-that's what they all say

I want to go down in flames
I want the guilty to hang
The Empire falls

It's a pleasure to burn
A pleasure to burn
The conquering worm

Yeah, uh-huh
That's what they all say...
Songs list of album: Whatever Happened to P.J. Soles? (2004)
         Title Rating
01    Where Are They Now? lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Everyone Alive lyrics   -
03   California Songs lyrics   -
04   Dick Jones lyrics   -
05   Money on the Dresser lyrics   -
06    P.J. Soles lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    How's the Weather Down There? lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Buffalo Trace lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Heaven on the Way Down lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Hey, Rita lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Heavy Metal Bakesale lyrics   -
12   Mellowed lyrics   -
13   That's What They All Say lyrics   -
14    Halcyon Days (Where Were You Then?) lyrics Add lyrics   -

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