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Composer: Local H

Local H - Bag of Hammers lyrics

You pin me down - you box my ears
I'll get you back - Motherfuck - I'm no baby
I've made a meal - the first course is crow
Choke it down - cause you suck - I'm no baby

You never said smart was your strong trait
But smart never seemed to be a trait at all
And I never wanted to see you go down
But I must admit that I'd like to see you
Fall right back into your tar trap
And bend your back until it fucking snaps
And I never wanted to hurt you that bad
But I must admit that I'd like to see you fall

You pin me down - you box my ears
I'll get you back - Motherfuck - I'm no baby
I've made a meal - the first course is crow

La La
Songs list of album: Ham Fisted (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Feed lyrics   -
02   Cynic lyrics   -
03   Mayonnaise and Malaise lyrics   -
04   User lyrics   -
05   Manipulator lyrics   -
06   Bag of Hammers lyrics   -
07   Scott-Rock lyrics   -
08   Sports Bar lyrics   -
09   Chicago Fanphair '93 lyrics   -
10   Strict-9 lyrics   -
11   Skid Marks lyrics   -
12   Grrrlfriend lyrics   -

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