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Composer: Local H

Local H - Fritz's Corner lyrics

I'm not mad
I'm just bored
And everything I do is only because
There's nothing much else for me to do
And that includes you
Messing around with you
Piss away potential
Everyday is a waste
And I'm wasted everyday
There's nothing much else for me to do
And that includes you - and that includes you
Messing around with you
You see me now a little bit clearer
the face I make when I'm looking in the mirror

- it gives me away
the things that I say

You think you know where I'm coming from
the words I say when I'm playing dumb

- it gives me away
- it gives me away

One more thing before we go
I've stepped over everyone I know
everyone I know
You see me now a little bit clearer
The face I make when I'm looking in the mirror

- it gives me away

You think you know where I'm coming from
The words I say when I'm playing dumb

- it gives me away
it gives me away
it gives me away
I'm always ashamed

I'm always ashamed
and that's no way to be
Songs list of album: As Good as Dead (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Manifest Density Pt. 1 lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    High-Fiving MF lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Bound for the Floor lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Lovey Dovey lyrics   -
05    I Saw What You Did and I Know Who You Are lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   No Problem lyrics   -
07   Nothing Special lyrics   -
08   Eddie Vedder lyrics   -
09    Back in the Day lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Freeze-Dried (F) Lies lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Fritz's Corner lyrics   -
12    O.K. lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Manifest Density Pt. 2 lyrics   -

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