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Composer: Remy Zero

Remy Zero - Whither Vulcan lyrics

We took you down there
To relapse in the sand
And we walked out in the open
Resolved to being seen
It was summer in the kitchen
So we stretched out in the grass
And the ones who came before us
Refused to let us pass.
Vulcan rots with liquor shots
Now he falls out in the room.

The sun breaks over us
The sun breaks over us
The sun takes over us

Theres nothing to keep us tied here now

So I stayed down where you are

And when I found you
You had learned to see it new.
We went driving through the capitol
In our bathrobes and our shoes

The alarms had all gone crazy
With the hungers of the street
So we loaded up on spirits
To disfigure our defeats

Standing in line with the science of mind
My mind was preparing to leap

The sun breaks over us
The sun takes over us
The sun looks over us

Every sound has its purpose in life in your hands
Through the wall there's another one's chance to begin
All the ghosts from around will return to their graves
From the sound of the songs that we played

There's nothing to keep us tied here now
Songs list of album: Villa Elaine (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Hermes Bird lyrics   -
02   Prophecy lyrics   -
03    Life in Rain lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Hollow lyrics   -
05   Problem lyrics   -
06   Whither Vulcan lyrics   -
07   Gramarye lyrics   -
08   Yellow Light lyrics   -
09   Motorcycle lyrics   -
10   Fair lyrics   -
11   Goodbye Little World lyrics   -

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