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Space - Be There lyrics

Why do bad days last forever and ever?
And why do they happen to such sweethearts like us?
It's lucky for me you're stronger than Superman
And when I need you most, you turn into Sherlock Holmes
And save the day, save the day, save the day, save the day.
Who needs Batman, Jason and the Argonauts?
I've got you, what more could I ask for?
When I'm feeling lost and outnumbered by a hundred to one
And my nerves have gone
And all I want to do is run for cover
You appeared from nowhere like the genie with the magic lamp,
My three wishes all in one.
Take me on your magic carpet
And save the day, save the day, save the day, save the day.
Who needs a magic wand, a pair of ruby slippers?
I've got you, what more could I ask for?
Why do bad days last forever and ever?
And why do they happen to such sweethearts like us?
It's lucky for me you're stronger than Superman
And when I need you most, you turn into Sherlock Holmes
And save the day, save the day, save the day, save the day.
Who needs a silver bullet, garlic and a holy cross?
I've got you, what more could I ask for?
Songs list of album: Tin Planet (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Begin Again lyrics   -
02   Avenging Angels lyrics   -
03   The Ballad of Tom Jones lyrics   -
04   1 O'Clock lyrics   -
05   Be There lyrics   -
06    The Man lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   A Liddle Biddy Help from Elvis lyrics   -
08    The Unluckiest Man in the World lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Piggies lyrics   -
10    Bad Day's lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   There's No You lyrics   -
12   Disco Dolly lyrics   -
13    Data lyrics Add lyrics   -
14    Fran in Japan lyrics Add lyrics   -

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