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Composer: Machines of Loving Grace

Machines of Loving Grace - Shake lyrics

Shake like the newborn sleep
Shake like the fire in me, I lost my mind
Shake on a handshake deal
Sit back and watch them steal, I lost my mind

Automatically triggered in times of danger
The newborn serpent speaks
I lost my, I lost my mind

Shake 'em down to where the fire of hell surrounds
And we've destroyed the underground
Because we're trying to find that sound

Shake like the junkie sleep
Shake like the fire in me, I lost my mind
I got me a handshake deal
Bend down and learn to kneel, I lost my mind

Shake 'em down to where the fire of hell surrounds
And we've destroyed the underground
Because we're trying to find that sound

America in overdrive, America O.D.
America never fucking meant that much to me
With its handshake massacre of porn queen dreams
Meet the man that feeds the fire
That fuels the salt machine
Songs list of album: Concentration (1993)
         Title Rating
01    Perfect Tan (Bikini Atoll) lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Butterfly Wings lyrics   -
03    Lilith/Eve lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Albert Speer lyrics   -
05   Limiter lyrics   -
06   If I Should Explode lyrics   -
07   Shake lyrics   -
08   Cheap lyrics   -
09   Acceleration lyrics   -
10   Ancestor Cult lyrics   -
11    Content? lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Trigger for Happiness lyrics Add lyrics   -

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