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Composer: Scott Benzel, Mike Fisher, Riendeau

Machines of Loving Grace - Suicide King lyrics

Know your faults
Know your friends
Be prepared to take revenge
Thought I feed it
Keep it alive
Watch it dissolve into slaughterhouse five
Thought I could feed it sift the debris
Heir to the throne of a suicide king
-Bend like a reed in the wind-
Violator diplomat
They slip their fingers in
Is it alive sift the debris
Heir to the throne of a suicide king
-Bend like a reed in the wind-
The simple plots become confused
The jaws are locked and we are immune
From the horizon
They slip their fingers in
She smells like the future of money
She smells like everything
Simple plots become comfused
The jaws are locked and
We are immune
Songs list of album: Gilt (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Richest Junkie Still Alive lyrics   -
02   Kiss Destroyer lyrics   -
03   Suicide King lyrics   -
04   Animal Mass lyrics   -
05   The Soft Collision lyrics   -
06   Solar Temple lyrics   -
07   Tryst lyrics   -
08   Casual Users lyrics   -
09    Twofold Godhead lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Last lyrics   -
11   Serpico lyrics   -

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