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Composer: Dorsey M. Dixon, Wade Mainer

Doc Watson - Intoxicated Rat lyrics

The other night when I come in, so drunk I couldn't see

I hooked my toe in the old doormat and fell as flat as I could be

I had me a little old bottle o' booze (and I didn't have no more)

When I fell down - the cork flew outta the bottle (Plop!-glug glug glug....hic) - 'n spilled it

There's a little old rat in his hidin' place, he got that whiskey scent

He slipped right up 'n he got him a sssshrlp, 'n back to his hole he went

Says back to his hole he went, back to his hole he went

He slipped right up 'n he got him a sssshrlp (he's drinkin' it all) 'n back to his hole he


He slipped right up to my puddle o' gin and he lapped up more and more

He says "Doggone, my red-eyed soul, I'm a-gonna get drunk once more"

"I gonna get drunk once more, I'm a-gonna get drunk once more

He says "Doggone, my red-eyed soul, I'm a-gonna get drunk once more"

He washed his face with his front paws and on his hind leg he sat

And he's a-gettin' pretty high when he winked one eye and he says "(hic) Hey, where's that

old tom-cat?"

"Now where's that old tom-cat? I said where's that old tom-cat?

He's a-gettin' high when he winked one eye and he says "(hic) Hey, buddy, where's

that old tom-cat? (I can lick him and his brother)"

The old tom-cat come a-slippin' in, dashed over to the middle o' the floor

The cat jumped over and the rat got sober and he never got drunk no more

He didn' get drunk no more, no he never got drunk no more

The cat jumped over and the rat got sober (poor little feller) and he never got dunk no

Songs list of album: Doc Watson (1964)
         Title Rating
01   Nashville Blues lyrics   -
02    Sitting on Top of the World lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Intoxicated Rat lyrics   -
04    Country Blues lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Talk About Suffering lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Born About Six Thousand Years Ago lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Black Mountain Rag lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Omie Wise lyrics  
09    Georgie Buck lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Doc's Guitar lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Deep River Blues lyrics   -
12   St. James Hospital lyrics  
13   Tom Dooley lyrics   -

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