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Composer: Gordon Lightfoot

Gordon Lightfoot - Shadows lyrics

Shadows - Gordon Lightfoot

Won't you reach out love and touch me,
let me hold you for awhile?
I been all around the world,
oh how I long to see you smile.
There's a shadow on the moon
and the waters here below
do not shine the way they should,
and I love you just in case you didn't know.

Let it go.
Let it happen like it happened once before.
It's a wicked wind and it chills me to the bone,
and if you do not believe me
come and gaze upon the shadow at your door.

Won't you lie down by me baby,
run your fingers through my hands?
I been all around the town
and still I do not understand.
Is it me or is it you?
Or the shadown of a dream?
Is it wrong to be in love?
Could it be the finest love I've ever seen?

Set it free.
Let it happen like it happened once before.
It's a wicked wind and it chills me to the bone,
and if you do not believe me
come and gaze upon the shadow at your door.

Please kiss me gently darlin'
where that river runs away
from the mountains in the springtime
on a blue and windy day.
Where there's beauty all around
as the shades of night grow deep.
When the morning stars grow dim
they will find us in the shadows fast asleep.

Let it go.
Let it happen like it happened once before.
It's a wicked wind and it chills me to the bone,
and if you do not believe me
come and gaze upon the shadow at your door.
Songs list of album: Shadows (1982)
         Title Rating
01   14 Karat Gold lyrics   -
02   In My Fashion lyrics   -
03   Shadows lyrics   -
04   Blackberry Wine lyrics   -
05    Heaven Help the Devil lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Thank You for the Promises lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Baby Step Back lyrics   -
08   All I'm After lyrics   -
09   Triangle lyrics   -
10   I'll Do Anything lyrics   -
11    She's Not the Same lyrics Add lyrics   -

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