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Composer: Vince Matthews

Johnny Cash - Wrinkled Crinkled Wadded Dollar Bill lyrics

I've got a lot of blues on my mind
and at least a million miles behind me
and all that I've got between me
and pauper's hill
is a wrinkled, crincked, wadded dollar bill.

Lake Michigan wind sure is cold
and I need me a jacket for my shoulders
I could buy one down at the surplus store
cheap cotton twill
with my wrinckled crinckled wadded dollar bill

But I'm not bound
and I never will
be to a wrinkled crinckled wadded dollar bill.

It sure smells good at the bakery
and I stand and let the smell flood over me
they sell them day old cakes mighty cheeply
I could eat my fill
with my wrinkled, crinkled wadded dollar bill

But I'm not bound
and I never will
be to a wrinkled, crinkled wadded dollar bill.

Lake Michigan waves hit the beach
and I stand and let them wash at my feet
and then I throw it just as far as I can
into the chill
my wrinkled, crinkled wadded dollar bill.

For I'm not bound
and I never will
be to a wrinkled crinkled wadded dollar bill.

No I'm not bound
and I never will
be to a wrinkled crinkled wadded dollar bill.
Songs list of album: Hello, I'm Johnny Cash (1969)
         Title Rating
01    Southwind lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    The Devil to Pay lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    'Cause I Love You lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    See Ruby Fall lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Route No. 1, Box 144 lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Sing a Traveling Song lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    If I Were a Carpenter lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    To Beat the Devil lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Blistered lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Wrinkled Crinkled Wadded Dollar Bill lyrics   -
11    I've Got a Thing About Trains lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Jesus Was a Carpenter lyrics Add lyrics   -

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