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Composer: John Woloschuk, Dee Long

Klaatu - Silly Boys lyrics

Right now if we wait
For the opportunity
Then we would see
The sun is reversing

Ah, plasticine walls forever
And overly happy
With your aloof scene
Go off the ledge to snow
Wish them good night

Oh gorgeous madman
You are illuminated

Ah, if he preached
The words they beat on
And ignored him
With their moral in lust
Whose four-inch dagger
Blind your mother's eye to stop

Oooh, are you ugly
Silly boys love you

Yeah, sit up
They're armed with hooks
They'll harm her
You're smashed with Ignace

Hark and enamour me
May I survive?
Oh, Sir Army Suit
You're psychic
Songs list of album: Sir Army Suit (1978)
         Title Rating
01   A Routine Day lyrics   -
02   Juicy Luicy lyrics   -
03    Everybody Took a Holiday lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Older lyrics   -
05   Dear Christine lyrics   -
06   Mister Manson lyrics   -
07   Tokeymore Field lyrics   -
08   Perpetual Motion Machine lyrics   -
09    Ch?rie lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Silly Boys lyrics   -

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