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Composer: Dee Long

Klaatu - Older lyrics

It seems like each day you get older
And each day the world becomes colder
In a cynical way

Do you feel like you missed your time
I feel like I've missed mine
And I'm losing my way

I think it's time you realised
For I can see it in your eyes
You seem convinced that you will
Live forever

I feel like my life has blown over
I keep looking over my shoulder
And seeing nothing but grey

It's a crime
Don't it seem like such a crime
I wish I had more time
But I'm drifting away

You see it's like I told 'ya
You've gained the right to grow older
By living today

I think it's time you realised
For I can see it in your eyes
You seem convinced that you will
Live forever
Songs list of album: Sir Army Suit (1978)
         Title Rating
01   A Routine Day lyrics   -
02   Juicy Luicy lyrics   -
03    Everybody Took a Holiday lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Older lyrics   -
05   Dear Christine lyrics   -
06   Mister Manson lyrics   -
07   Tokeymore Field lyrics   -
08   Perpetual Motion Machine lyrics   -
09    Ch?rie lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Silly Boys lyrics   -

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