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Composer: Dan Fogelberg

Dan Fogelberg - Sketches lyrics

a. Summer

Late in the summer
When the cottonwood dies
The fields are on fire
With green bottleflies
And I'm still seeing reflections
Of me in your eyes
And why did you leave
Last summer?

Now, the seasons are changing
From summer to fall
And I've still got that picture
Hung on my wall
And there's so much forgotten
And too much recalled
And why did you leave
At all?

b. Winter

Standing beside you
Mid-winter day
Hearts beating close

Wishing that we'd found
Someway to make
That moment last

Standing silent--laughing--
Breathing steam
Gazing down into a freezing
I saw the face of a child
I saw the face of a child.
Songs list of album: Nether Lands (1977)
         Title Rating
01   Nether Lands lyrics   -
02    Once upon a Time lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Dancing Shoes lyrics   -
04   Lessons Learned lyrics   -
05   Loose Ends lyrics   -
06   Love Gone By lyrics   -
07   Promises Made lyrics   -
08   Give Me Some Time lyrics   -
09   Scarecrow's Dream lyrics   -
10   Sketches lyrics   -
11   False Faces lyrics   -

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